Awarenessof Doctors Regarding the Role of Physiotheraphy in the Managementof Stress Incontinence
Background: Urinary Incontinence is a worldwide problem that remains a highly prevalent cross-cultural and costly
condition affecting millions regardless of age and gender. Physiotherapy is among the recommended treatment options for
the managementof stress incontinence.
Objectives: To assess the awareness among doctors regarding the role of physiotherapy in stress incontinence “management
Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among gynecologists, nephrologists and urologists selected from public and private hospitals of Karachi through non-probability convenient sampling; total sample size of the study was 100. Data
was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 17. Chi square test was used to find association for qualitative variables
and p value <0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: Awareness regarding role of physiotherapy managementin stress incontinence was found among 79% doctors.
Urinary tract infection (55%), Post partum (45%) and post surgical (45%) were considered by doctors as the most commoncausesofstress incontinence. Preferable choice of managementfor stress incontinence was physiotherapy by
75% doctors. Regarding referral of patients with stress incontinence for physiotherapy 47%of the doctors referred their patients depending on patient condition and about 25% of the doctors were of the opinion that their patients recovered completely.
Conclusion: The study showed that there was awareness among doctors about the role of physiotherapyin management
of stress incontinence and mostof them referred their patients for physiotherapy.
KEY WORDS:Awareness, Stress Incontinence, Physiotherapy, Gynecologist, Urologist, Nephrologists.
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