Mother’s Awareness and Practices Regarding Home Management of Childhood Diarrhea in a Squatter Settlement of Karachi


  • Syeda Sana Zahid
  • Nosheen Zehra
  • Shakir Ullah
  • Nasir Khan
  • Muhammad Hamza Javed
  • Muneeba Khan



Diarrhea is cited as one of the main causes of death for infants and children, especially in squatter settlements, owing to poor sanitary conditions. Treatment and prevention of diarrhea can be managed at home by primary caregivers. It is therefore important for mothers and primary care givers to be aware of strategies for management and treatment of diarrhea.


To assess the awareness of mothers regarding home management of childhood diarrhea in a squatter settlement of Karachi.


A cross sectional study was conducted from 2012 to 2013 among mothers from Gulshan-eSikanderabad of Karachi who had at least one child under age of 5years. In total 110 mothers were interviewed. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used. Data was collected by structured questionnaire filled via personal interview. Informed consent was obtained before collection of data. Data Analysis was done by using SPSS version 20.


Out of total 110, 93 (84.5%) mothers said that their children had an episode of childhood diarrhea during last 3 months. For the management of diarrhea 91 (82.7%) mothers took their children to PHC centre and 99 (89.9%) mothers were aware about ORS. Almost two third of them aware about the ingredients of homemade ORS but their knowledge about correct amount was poor. Dirty water and food was identified as the important causes of diarrhea by 106 (96%) and 76 (69%) mothers respectively. According to 101 (91.8%) mothers hand washing would be an effective measure to prevent diarrhea.


Despite the high rate of diarrhea in this community, knowledge of mothers regarding home management of diarrhea was found satisfactory. Adopting the preventive measures and intensifying the mothers education is the dire need to reduce the high rate of diarrhea in this community.

Key Words:

Childhood Diarrhea, Home Management, Awareness and Practices of Mothers, Squatter Settlement.

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How to Cite

Syeda Sana Zahid, Nosheen Zehra, Shakir Ullah, Nasir Khan, Muhammad Hamza Javed, Muneeba Khan. Mother’s Awareness and Practices Regarding Home Management of Childhood Diarrhea in a Squatter Settlement of Karachi. PJMD [Internet]. 2024 May 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];3(2). Available from:

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