

Learning, Habits, students, motivation, environment, education, success


Background of the study: Medical education’s rigorous academic and emotional demands significantly impact students’ learning experiences. Understanding medical students’ learning styles and study habits is crucial for informing evidence-based teaching practices and promoting student success.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan among 366 medical students from United College of Physical Therapy (UCPT), United Medical and Dental College (UMDC), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Jinnah Medical and Dental College (JMDC) and Ziauddin University (ZU) using a non-probability convenient sampling technique. Study tools include The VARK Questionaire Version 8.01 and The Study Habits Inventory Questionaire. Data was collected through face-to-face conversations.

Results: The study revealed predominant preferences for unimodal learning (63.6%), particularly kinesthetic methods (21.1%). Bimodal (24.2%), trimodal (8%), and quadrimodal (4%) preferences were also observed. While students demonstrated proficiency in note-taking, reading comprehension, and test anxiety management, challenges emerged in time management and concentration.

Conclusion: This study underscores the diverse learning styles prevalent among medical students, with a notable preference for kinesthetic learning. Despite proficiency in certain study habits, time management and concentration challenges persist among a considerable portion of the student population. Addressing these challenges through targeted interventions is essential for enhancing educational outcomes and student success. 

Author Biographies

  • Erum Tanveer, United College of Physical Therapy, Karachi, Pakistan

    Principal and Professor

  • Mehak Jairam, United College of Physical Therapy, Karachi, Pakistan

    DPT Student

  • Amna Tariq, United College of Physical Therapy, Karachi, Pakistan

    DPT Student

  • Sitara Kainat, United College of Physical Therapy, Karachi, Pakistan

    DPT Student

  • Vinod Kumar, United College of Physical Therapy, Karachi, Pakistan

    Vice Principal and Associate Professor


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