Strengthening exercises, hemiplegia, functional activities, post-stroke hemiparesis, resistance training, flexibilityAbstract
Background of the Study: To determine the Effectiveness of Strengthening (Resistance) exercises in improving functional activities such as gross motor function and walking stance in stroke patients.
Methodology: A Quasi experimental study was conducted. A Quasi experimental study was conducted; patients were selected from the OPD setting of Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, Saifee Hospital and the National medical center. Data was divided into two groups. Group 1 case and group 2 controls. The patients included in group 1, received Strengthening exercises. While, the other group received exercises other than strengthening such as Balance and Coordination Exercises, Flexibility Exercises, Functional Training and Gait Training, after which their improvement was recorded at the end of 4 weeks for 3 months. The critical outcomes evaluated subsequently to resistance training using therabands and minimal weights along with gait assessment, and functional training. Gait assessment, post-treatment using a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and functional activities assessment scales using a Barthel Index.
Results: The clinical intervention revealed significant results, showing that strength on the effected side increased post treatment as the calculated P-value was less than 0.05, also the mean leg strength for the RT group (pre walk_ 1.94 and 2.28 for control at baseline improved (post walk _to 2.71 for RT group and 1.60 for controls respectively after 3 months., suggested that resistance training produced marked improvement in performing functional activities of hemiplegic patients.
Conclusions: Hence, it is concluded that the strengthening exercises including resistance band training and physio ball for upper limb and resistance training for lower limb were shown to improve Muscle strength and cause considerable improvement in performing the activities of everyday living and gait strength and core stability in patients suffering from stroke. Also, improving their social interactions and participation in everyday life.
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