A Systematic Review on Active Learning in Dentistry Education in Undergraduate Classrooms
Active Learning, Undergraduate, Dentistry, Classrooms.Abstract
Background: Former assessments of active learning in dental education have not offered a thorough research effort on this topic because of their strong focus on specific active learning strategies. We carried out a systematic review to map the breadth and depth of the literature on active learning strategies in undergraduate dental education.
Methods: Following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic review, the studies between January 2005 and October 2022 were included by using the databases of MEDLINE, ERIC, EMBASE, and Scopus. Original research articles in English that underwent peer review were selected. The articles that were not in English language and unrelated were excluded. Before extracting relevant material, two seasoned researchers independently verified the eligibility of whole texts, abstracts, and titles. Risk of Bias was assessed by using Cochrane Risk of Bias 2.0 tool for RCTs and Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for observational studies. Results were synthesized qualitatively.
Results: The review of 93 articles assessed research using three methodologies: learning only, reaction assessment, and response and learning evaluations combined. Most studies used post-intervention evaluations, quantitative techniques, and self-report measures to assess student satisfaction and knowledge gain. Active learning approaches like group discussions, problem-based learning, team-based learning, and flipped learning were most commonly studied.
Conclusion: Active learning in undergraduate dentistry classes can enhance learning, but further research is needed to assess its impact on skill development and behavioral change.
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