Diet, lifestyle, behavior, classical conditioning, anxiety, indicators, cognitionAbstract
Background and Aim: The objective of the research is to investigate the impact of lifestyle habits on subjective wellbeing in the presence of role of regulatory emotion self-efficacy as a mediator. Vital for wellbeing, longevity, productivity, relationships, and general quality of life in all areas is a healthy lifestyle.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study has been conducted for 271 Students had been selected as respondents. Smart Pls has been used for calculating the reliability, validity of questionnaire and as well as hypothesis testing.
Results: Food disorder, healthcare anxiety, regulatory emotional self-efficacy have direct and indirect significant impact on subjective well-being. But sleeping disorder has showed the direct and indirect insignificant impact on subjective well-being.
Limitation and Future Implications: Because of time constraints, a lack of comprehension of the research, and a healthy lifestyle people are not aware of health benefits, they had less knowledge about it and were hesitant about a discussion.
Originality: The role of regulatory emotion self-efficacy has not been used as a mediator during the relationship of lifestyle habits and subjective well-being.
Conclusion: Subjective well-being is defined as gratification and satisfaction with one’s life. Regular physical activity is important in order to enhance the self-efficacy and emotional well-being. Good nutrients and a balanced diet provide a person with enough energy to carry out the tasks of daily life effectively.
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