Low back pain, visual analog pain scale, spine, trunk stabilization, core stability, exercise therapy, strengthening programAbstract
Aim of study: To identify the effectiveness of particular trunk stabilization versus a general exercise in low back pain management.
Methodology: An experimental study was conducted at the physiotherapy department of Dow University of Health Sciences, 52 participants with low backache were enrolled and assessed for pain intensity using Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and disability by using the Modified Oswestry Low Back Disability Index (MOLBDQ-I). Through equal randomization one group got their low back pain treated through trunk stabilization exercises while the other with general exercises, 3times/week* 4weeks. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0 by applying non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results: This study demonstrated that males and females are equally affected by chronic low back pain. Trunk stabilizing and general exercise regimes both significantly reduced the pain and disability in the study population but the effectiveness of trunk stabilizing exercises were significantly superior in reducing pain.
Limitations and Future Implications: Study did not include a control group that received no intervention. It would be valuable to assess the cost-effectiveness of trunk stabilization exercises compared to general exercises or other interventions.
Originality: Trunk stabilizing exercises are superior in reducing pain, disability, and restoring functional mobility than general exercises in chronic back pain.
Conclusion: Trunk stabilizing exercises are superior in reducing pain, disability, and restoring functional mobility than general exercises in chronic back pain.
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