
  • Prof. Dr. Fatma A. Hegazy Department of Physiotherapy, College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, UAE Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University


Knowledge, academic skills, students’ lack of interest, confidence, teaching skills, difficulty in clinical practices, experiential learning theory


Background and Aims: This research aims to investigate the relationship between knowledge (K) and difficulty of clinical practices (DCP) while exploring the potential mediating factors of academic skills (AS), confidence (C), students’ lack of interest (SLI), and teaching skills (TS). Clinical practices are vital for educating and training healthcare professionals, and understanding the factors contributing to difficulty during these practices is crucial for improving educational outcomes.

Methodology: The study adopted a quantitative technique, collecting data from a sample of healthcare students through surveys and assessments. Statistical analyses, including mediation analysis, were conducted to examine the relationships between the variables of interest. 

Results: All four mediators significantly impacted the relationship between Knowledge and Difficulty in Clinical Practices.

Limitations: The study is limited to healthcare students. The sample size of the article is limited due to time constraints, and it is not necessarily important that only mentioned mediators cofound between AS and K.

Originality: The mediators significantly impact the originality of the article, which will generate a scholarly contribution to the community.

Conclusion: The implications of these findings suggest the need for educators and policymakers to focus on enhancing academic skills, fostering confidence, addressing students’ lack of interest, and improving teaching practices. 


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How to Cite

UNRAVELLING THE INFLUENCE OF MEDIATING FACTORS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE AND DIFFICULTY IN CLINICAL PRACTICES. (2023). Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation, 12(2). https://ojs.zu.edu.pk/pjr/article/view/14-24