ZU Journal Management System


  • Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry

    The Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry is a quarterly scientific publication, launched in 2012, with a scope that covers all areas of Biomedicine and Dentistry. The journal has a reputation for originality and quality and a fair and transparent review process dedicated to swift publication of original research work. 

  • Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation

    Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation has one of the pioneer rehabilitative journal of Pakistan that invites manuscripts from the field of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Physical Education, Health and Sports, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Music and Art Therapy, Rehab Nursing, Podiatry and Alternative Medicine varied domains of Rehabilitation thereby pulling together disparate rehabilitation disciplines to enhance the quality of knowledge and decision making. PJR bi-annually published, is a peer reviewed journal that started its publication in 2012 with the expressed aim to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge and to break scientific inertia in the field of rehabilitation in Pakistan.

    We appreciate the contribution from researchers, academicians, clinicians, and scholars in the form of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, original papers, case reports, case series, and letter to the Editors.

  • Journal of Law, Politics and Governance

    Journal of Law, Politics and Governance (JLPG) is a bi-annually social sciences research publication, launched in 2022, with a scope that covers all areas of law, politics and governance. The journal has a reputation for originality, quality and a fair and transparent review process dedicated to swift publication of original research work. Contributions submitted shall be thoroughly blind reviewed. The manuscripts will be selected on the basis of originality and quality of the work as well as the span of interest to the legal community and policy makers.

  • Journal of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences

    Journal of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences (JLAHS) invites research scholars across the world to share their expertise in various disciplines of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. This is an open-access journal published bi-annualy, in the months of June and December with an Editorial Board consisting of highly qualified experts of their respective domains. The journal follows the process of double-blind peer review for manuscripts received for publication as per the prescribed guidelines of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.

  • Ziauddin Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

    Ziauddin Journal of Pharmaceutical Research is a bi-annual, peer reviewed journal publishing original research articles, reviews, short communications, scientific commentaries, hypotheses and letters to the editor in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform to health care professional all over the world to share, and discuss current issues and developments in field of pharmaceutical sciences.