Physical activity, exercise, perception, female, health, non-communicable diseasesAbstract
Aims Of Study: In Pakistan, the level of physical inactivity among adults is 26%. This survey aims to determine the participation in structured physical activity among young females and their perception and barriers towards SPA.
Methodology: Purposive sampling was used to gather data from young females aged 16-30 in Karachi. Demographics, perception, and barriers were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Pearson chi-square was used to draw associations between qualitative variables.
Results: According to a study of 319 participants, more than half did not participate in structured physical activity. Those who did found it beneficial for their health and happiness. Barriers to participation included transportation and gender-specific facilities, but these were not significantly associated with participation.
Limitations & Future Implications: The study did not explore variations in physical activity participation among different ethnic, educational, socioeconomic, or occupational groups. Future studies should investigate these factors among both genders to understand perceptions and barriers to structured physical activity across diverse populations.
Originality: To promote physical activity among young females and prevent health issues, it's crucial to recognize their understanding of SPA barriers and perceptions and develop appropriate strategies to overcome them.
Conclusion: The barriers to structured physical activity had no significant effect on participation among young females. Also, participation in structured physical activity was not affected by marital status, age, and education level.
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