In Vitro Hepatic Differentiation of Adult, Embryonic, Induced Pluripotent and Perinatal Stem-Cells


  • Admin PJMD


Globally regenerative medicine is considered as one of the rapidly growing biomedical industry have objective to substitute damaged cells. Cell transplantation is less intrusive than whole-organ transplantation, and has been used to provide an alternative for patients to whole-organ transplantation. The End-stage liver disease comprises a subgroup of patients with cirrhosis who have signs of decompensation that is irreversible with medical treatment. The only restorative therapy for severe end-stage liver disease is orthotropic liver transplantation. However, liver transplantation has several limitations such as scarcity of organ donors, immunosuppressive drugs, and several postoperative complications. Thus, cell transplantation can be used for the treatment of end stage liver disorders to decrease the mortality in acute liver failure. Therefore, stem cells can be used for cellular therapy, development of liver disease models, and tissue-engineering applications. This review involved the studies conducted on the stem cells potential of hepatic differentiation, isolated from different sources. The PubMed and Google Scholar were searched for scientific studies reported the sources of stem cells based on their origin and their potential of hepatic differentiation in-vitro by using different tools of differentiation. All the research articles were selected in which solely hepatic differentiation in combination with different tools is reported.

Keywords: Adult Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, In-vitro, Mesenchymal Stem Cells.




How to Cite

PJMD, A. (2020). In Vitro Hepatic Differentiation of Adult, Embryonic, Induced Pluripotent and Perinatal Stem-Cells. Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry, 9(4), 71–77. Retrieved from



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