The Body Locations of Leishmaniasis in the Targeted Population of Pakistan


  • Farhan Mir Shaikh Shaikh consultant Dermatologist institute of skin disease (ISD)



Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous, Endemic


Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), a skin infection caused by a sand fly bite, is most prevalent clinically in Pakistan. The initially caused nodules (bumps) may become ulcerated, have a long healing time, and may re-occur multiple times. This study identified the body areas most affected by Leishmaniasis in our target population. 

Methods: This prospective study was conducted at the leishmaniasis clinic Institute of Skin Diseases Sindh Karachi (ISDSK), from July 2022 to June 2023. A standard questionnaire recorded demographics and site, location, and number of lesions. The diagnosis was confirmed by a Slit Skin smear showing Leishmania. The ANOVA was used to determine the mean difference between the variables and p < 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: Out of 138 patients, 87 (63%) were females and 51 (37%) males. The most common site of involvement was lower limb and feet at 44(32%) followed by face and neck at 37(27%), upper limb at 37(27%), and multiple sites at 20(14%). Majority of patients had single lesions 72(52%) followed by, two 34(25%), three 9(6%) and four or more in 23(14%). A comparison of lesions in gender, revealed, that males had 17(33%) on upper limbs, while females had 31(35%) on lower limbs. Comparing body locations province-wise, in Sindh predominant was lower limb 41(34%) whereas face in Balochistan 6(35%).

Conclusion: CL's most infected locations were face & neck and lower limbs of the body. Comparing gender, females were more affected. This is an increasing public health problem and requires attention of authorities, to fumigate the pandemic areas.

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How to Cite

Shaikh, F. M. S. (2024). The Body Locations of Leishmaniasis in the Targeted Population of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry, 12(4).

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