CHIP: A Newfangled Peril For Coronary Heart Disease In Pakistan


  • Zil-e-Rubab - MBBS, M-Phil Cancer Biologist (CBT Programme) Harvard Medical School.MA-Boston Professor, Biochemistry Department, ZiauddinUniversity, Karachi. Pakistan


Certain somatic mutations are capable to confer a selective benefit to blood stem cells become much more common with aging1. This state was entitled “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential,” (CHIP), and found that it upsurges the risk of developing a blood cancer more than 10-fold and it seemed to escalate mortality from heart attacks or stroke. But looking at the current understanding of Coronary heart disease CHD is that CHD in the world is the solitary empire where death rules,dictated by tobacco smoking and metabolic syndrome. Worldwide the anticipated rise in CHD is twice in the next 20 years in South Asia compared to any where else..




How to Cite

-, Z.- e-R. (2018). CHIP: A Newfangled Peril For Coronary Heart Disease In Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry, 6(4), 1–2. Retrieved from




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